Thread: The Holy Kiss
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Old 04-19-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: The Holy Kiss

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I was at a convention here in Cincinnati. The local church was one of the several "Church of Jesus Christ" groups. They took the greeting with a holy kiss very literally. They limited it to men with men and women to women but they kissed in the mouth. I was a young minister and did not want to offend anyone. It was hot. People were sweaty. The local Bishop that insisted on kissing me in the mouth was old and had a mustache and bad looking teeth. I don't know if I could do that now about 40-50 years later.

Been there, done that! Don't want to go back!! Ugh!

Posted by NotForSale.......The Holy Kiss
I'm posting this because Sam just reminded me in one his post's about what we did in our Church back in the 70's.

When I was a new convert 31 years ago, my Pastor told the whole Church, you may kiss EVERYONE!

I'll never forget when I laid one on his wife (It was HOLY, so don't worry )

Anyone else ever do the "Holy KISS" thing?

Are you sure now that it was a "holy kiss?" lol

Been Thinkin
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