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Old 04-16-2010, 08:01 PM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Re: JCM Reunion / AMC Conference Check In Thread

Originally Posted by lisafitzh2o View Post
Oh heavenly days...

I happened to see a thread entitled "JCM Reunion/AMC Conference" and (silly me) thought it was going to be a thread reminiscing the fun things that happened there. I should have known it would turn into a debate. I hated debates in high school, hated them in college, and am now reminded why I rarely get on AFF. Some people love them... it's just a personal thing. I despise conflict.

I am UPC, have been all my life. I don't cut my hair, don't wear makeup, don't wear jewelry, my picture has been posted on here, and I haven't heard any complaints (so far). But let me tell you something... I'VE HEARD JUDGMENTAL JUNK ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE. Some "ultra conservatives" look down on those who don't look like them... as we have heard over the last 63 pages of this thread. On the other hand, I know of people who are no longer conservative who look down on us because "we are still in the bondage of UPC and standards".

Here's the thing... there is nothing any of you are going to say on this thread that will make a person (on either side) sit up and say, "Oh wait... I see where you're coming from. I no longer feel the way I did before. Hark! I have just been enlightened!".

Yes, I went to JCM... a non-accredited Bible college, and I'm sad that some of you consider it a waste of your time. I personally was able to use my JCM credits to go on to a college (yes, a REAL college) and get a Master's Degree in education, taught public school AND was a principal for 3 years. And yes, I went to the Reunion... and had an amazing time. I was reunited with my roommates that I haven't seen in 20 years... and it was as if no time had passed. I laughed during those days until I thought I would throw up. Nobody (that I was aware of) was looking down on anyone else. And here's another thing... unless you were IN that room, you can't begin to comprehend what went on there.

So now, I am disappointed for two reasons: 1) this thread didn't turn out like I thought it would; and 2) THAT I MISSED OUT ON GETTING MY PICTURE WITH THE AFFers!!!

I don't know you - but thank you for taking the time to post this! Great thoughts!

You make several valid points and the ones in red really stand out to me.

1) I've seen it on both sides as well ! Here and in "real" life !

2) It is so true that these "debates" don't change anyone's mind. Maybe someday I'll learn to ignore them.

3) It saddens me that anyone would feel that ANY time spent in a bible college was a "waste of time." Whether they want to admit it or not - they did learn SOMETHING of value! The friendships and relationships that were formed could be effective in their lives, if they would allow it!

4) You are so right - None of us that weren't there have a right to voice our opinions about what went on there! We can't really know!!!

Again - I appreciated your post!
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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