Originally Posted by pelathais
He that sat on the throne said, "Behold! I make all things new."
Revelation 21:5
This of course speaks of the re-creation... but why do you think the original creation was made just to appear all aged, scarred and worn out looking?
When I am raised from the dead, will I have the scars, swollen joints and diseased members that I now possess? I wasn't born with scars the first time. I was "new."
Each creation is new. Each created thing is new.
The appearance of age argument is like asking for us to believe that Adam was created as a 30 year old man who also happened to have a scar on his left knee from when he fell off of his bicycle when he was ten years old.
Refusal to acknowledge the appearance of age factor is to deny the reality of the Bible's claim. Even if God created a 30 year old male without any scars or evidence of injury the question wouldn't be related to his age, it would be related to how a 30 man could live through life without a single scar or injury. It would be taken for granted that he was 30 years old. And if Adam spoke... look out.... he'd even appear to have been educated! Creation by it's very nature DEMANDS an appearance of age. You can't get around it.