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Old 04-06-2010, 12:16 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
From what perspective? I’m curious about what your thoughts are regarding the possibility of time expanding and in fact being bent by the expansion of the universe that resulted from the creation.
I don't know what "bending" time is. Maybe it's like saying, "I will meet you for dinner at 5:30" when instead I meet you at "five-thirty-ish?"

On the other hand, the expansion and contraction of time are dealt with in Einstein's Special Law of Relativity (I thought you hated "theories")... when a body approaches another body of sufficient mass (like a black hole) time for that body will "slow" relative to the time being experienced by other bodies in the universe. A similar thing occurs as the body accelerates toward the speed of light.

In all cases the body experiencing the "contraction" of time is seen in relationship to other bodies not experiencing the contraction. For example:

You are on a spaceship (the Millennium Falcon). Before you left Tatooine you and I synced our watches at the space bar in Mos Eisley. Now, deep in space, as you travel at increasing speeds - time "slows down" for you. Since you are also traveling with the two gay robots, time really seems to slow down and you despair.

When you turn off the FTL Drive (faster than light) your watch will show that you passed through a longer period of time than I did back at Mos Eisley where I've been sipping green Slurpees with Boba Fett undisturbed by the gay robots. You and I have experienced time from within two different frames of reference.

As they say, it's all relative.

Schroeder is proposing that we accelerate the entire universe to near (or more than) the speed of light. What this will do (he envisions) is move God to a different frame of reference than our own. Thus, for God it will seem like only a short period of time, but for us it will have been literally billions of years.

"We" (the entire universe) are still traveling on the M. Falcon with the gay robots and having to endure a long journey. Meanwhile, God is in timeless "eternity" where things go along according to His frame of reference.

The most obvious thing here is that Schroeder hasn't really proposed anything different about the universe. The universe has still experienced its "journey" of about 13 billion years and everything that I have tried to say is still correct. It's just that God perceives things differently than we do; but I think that's something everybody already agrees on.

At the end of the day, Schroeder has said nothing. He offers no explanation why the genealogies of those who supposedly have been on the 13 billion year journey only add up to around 6,000 years. We might understand when God pops into our frame of reference, looks at His watch as exclaims, "Look at the time! It's different!" But, why does Methuselah appear to say this too? Schroeder offers no explanation - in fact, he doesn't even seem to have noticed the disparity.

Why, in fact, are you arguing that the time isn't different, when Schroeder does? (The time between God's watch and the earth's). You appear to have been saying that we've just been listening to R2's clicking and buzzing for 6,000 years when our watches show it to have been around 13 billion years. It's one thing to say that God "sees" things differently than we do (and I agree that He does); but you and the Young Earth crowd want to also add that we don't see anything at all.

I disagree. My Creator has made me to be a witness (Isaiah 43:10). I am here. I am real and I exist because the great I AM made it so.
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I believe that Adam and Eve were created function adults, perhaps young adults.

Good points. My personal opinion is that they shone brightly with a heavenly “glow” if you will. Upon sinning, that light dissipated and they were left knowing that they were naked and were ashamed. Just my personal opinion.

It’s not a deception if he reveals the truth in his Word. It becomes a matter of who’s report will you believe?
It is deception because your explanation of what the Word says doesn't jive with reality. You have to get the two to match. How can you get "God's watch" to sync with the time on the earth's watch? That's the disparity. You're simply saying, "Ignore the earth's watch!" I won't do that. This is the creation of God. I am a part of this creation, I am desperately intertwined with this creation. I am His creation. I'm not going to scoff at what He has done and at what He has made.

We've got to get the two "watches" to sync up. I know that the earth is real, and I believe that God is real. Some folks deny the reality of our universe in favor of what their minds dream up about God and the Bible. Those folks often end up in chaos and pain, denying both God and the universe. That's something of an aside... but we do have to account for reality, otherwise we might as well eat the 'shrooms and pretend that nothing is real.

Last edited by pelathais; 04-06-2010 at 12:38 AM.
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