Originally Posted by Aquila
Claims like the resurrection, the feeding of the five thousand, the raising of the dead, the healing of the blind? Brother... we're talking about a sacred mystical truth... something that bends the laws of science as you know them. Something that transends both time and space. Something beyond human logic. To see God as defined scientifically is to reduce him to our level and confine him to our own ability and understanding.
Yes, however, with regard to the age of the earth and its geologic history over the past 4,000 years we are simply looking at the earth and recognizing that it exists on the same "level" as us and always has.
What is the testimony of the earth in this matter? What has happened here over the past 4,000, or 6,000 or 4.5 billion years?
These are questions that can be asked and answered "at our level."