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Old 03-30-2010, 08:38 PM
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Re: Losing people because of money :(

Originally Posted by MusicMaster View Post
There is a man who used to attend our church for a short time. While he attended, he was faithful in attendance. He was faithful to services, faithful to prayer meetings. He was a good worker, pitched in every time he could that there was some type of work to be done at the church. He offered his physical labor free of charge at every opportunity available to him where he could help out.

He suddenly stopped attending.

I had talked to this man on several occasions, as he is my neighbor. He would never tell me why he stopped coming to church.

Until yesterday.

The problem he encountered was that he felt he wasn't welcomed because of the constant push from the pulpit for giving money. Special blessings prayed upon the tithers. Special blessings prayed upon those who gave to the building fund. Special blessings prayed upon those who gave "sacrificial" offerings. Special blessings prayed upon those who gave freewill offerings.

Whatever happened to praying for those who don't have to give?

This man had no money to give, and he said that he felt he had to pay for his seat in our church. He felt as if he were being beat upon the head to GIVE money. Since he didn't have the money to put in the offering plate, he stopped coming to church. He hasn't attended anywhere at all since that time.

I was just left speechless. I had no response. God help us, because the blood of people like this is going to be required of our hands. When did MONEY become more important to a church than lost souls???

This man has been out of work for quite some time. He picks up odd jobs as he can find them, but he told me yesterday that he'd earned less than $2000 since Christmas. A family cannot survive on that amount.

He has a minor child that he has full custody of. Every dime this man earns goes toward paying his bills.

Not only is he going without many things that we all consider necessary for life, but he is now going without food for his soul-- because of being made to feel like it's necessary to give even when you don't have money to give.

Today, the utility company turned off his electricity. I saw the truck going to his house. Tears started pouring from my eyes.

There was nothing I could do. I would have paid the man's bill, if I had the money, but I don't. I have no idea how much he even owes. I'm not sure how much longer his water will be left on, or if he was able to pay that bill or not. He is a very private person, and doesn't ask for any type of help.

The only thing I can do is to offer to let the man put what groceries he has into an extra refrigerator and freezer that I have in my storage shed to keep him from losing the food.

This man needs a job. He needs to know someone cares. I won't post even his first name, because some of the people who attend my church probably read this forum and I would be reprimanded for bringing this subject to a public forum.

Can some of you take this man upon your hearts and pray for him. God knows who he is, and where he is. He needs a miracle.
I think the ministry has become a joke when asking for money. I have heard every story in the bible turned into a Steve Munsey pitch for funds.

It causes most that want to be faithful to drop 10% in the plate right down to the penny.

I am awaiting the ATM swipes to be attached to the pews or to the offering basket.

Then they will have a wall banner that displays how much was collected as the basket goes through the church.

They have stopped expressing specific needs for a reason one should give and started preaching the blessing behind the seed.

It is like the church that always has a building fund going on without ever building any thing new or installing anything new in the existing building.
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