Re: Losing people because of money :(
Another casualty of the institutional church. House churches would have never allowed this to happen to this man. Tithing is an unbiblical teaching that places many congregation members in bondage and causes many to leave the church because the pulpit preaches the tithe as salvational. Friends... the tithe was a agrarian tax in ancient Israel. It wasn't practiced among the first century Christians. In fact the doctrine of tithing was revived by the Catholic Church in their quest for more money for clergy and cathedrals.
I believe this man's answer is a warm and loving house church. There friends and neighbors would have taken up an offering to help him specifically without the need to beg church administration to take up such an offering.
Sadly on the other side many churches are in bondage to tithing and the demand for more money. This is because churches have bills.... mortgage, utilities, maintenance, etc. Not to mention the programs of a traditional church. Polls show that 80% of all revenue taken in by churches goes toward salaried positions and the buildings. That leaves 20% to be divided up among various programs, evangelism, and missions. It's a sad state of affairs. House church is the answer.