Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I can not put my finger on it exactly. I felt the liberty to praise and worship the Lord and I did. However, it was very clear to me that I am not supposed to be a member there.
The whole idea of "making a decision for Christ" or "accepting Him as your Lord and Savior", as presented there is simply not Biblical.
Jermyn, I DO think it's Biblical. I think too often in Pentecostal circles, people get emotional and respond to an appeal to repent at an altar, but lots of times they are not really changed. They go back out and live the same old way. If they really do "make a decision" for Jesus, then they will go out a changed individual. Repentance just means a change of direction - it's making a decision to turn your life around in the other direction. Nothing anti-Biblical about that, in my opinion.
There's nowhere in the Bible that says you have to come to an altar and weep all over everything when you repent. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can also stand at your seat and make a decision to follow Christ. I doubt if people in the apostles' day came and wept at an altar - they just left their old lifestyle and started in "the Way".
Hope that all makes sense!