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Old 03-21-2010, 09:14 PM
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*AQuietPlace* *AQuietPlace* is offline
Love God, Love Your Neighbor

Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 7,363
Re: Early hours of the morning

Originally Posted by Berkley View Post
I was up at the early hours of the morning sorting through my inbox.
I had over 500 messages that spanned from 2007 to present day.
We all have our differences, but this is what I noticed as I was
reading through the messages in my inbox.
REGARDLESS of our differences, there were/are several members
of this forum who love God, and because they love God, they
love people. I have been pretty transparent about my life on
this forum, moreso in the early years. I came across message
after message of encouragement. Members of this forum, from
the most Conservative likes of Benincasa, to the Liberal likes
of Mow... Tina, Sherri, Tamor, Sis Alvear, *cough* Nahum,..
Nakoe, I can go on and on. You all (and several others that I did not list)
gave a word of encouragement. Let me know that you were
praying for me.

There is so much that takes place on this forum that I don't
take seriously. This is the internet. BUT, when reality crosses
over into virtual reality, many of you took it to heart and demonstrated
real compassion.

said all that only to lead up to this.

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