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Old 03-18-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: What is Adultery?

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
So can you name an example in the bible of a person who was restored spiritually, but wasn't restored to their position?
Moses was restored but he did not fulfill his intended destiny. Noah and his family was cursed after he saved the human race. Manasseh was restored to his kingdom but is called the wickedest king in all of Israel to this day. It is one thing to be placed back into a position or called out by men. It is another to complete the work of your calling after you have fallen and found out about that act done in secret. Many that have fallen into adultery take their skill to cover up their acts and the forbidden to the care of great detail. It is not only the act of adultery it is the fact that they have to be dishonest in many area's of their lives to continue the deceit. Unravel the entire package of lies and you have the character of a man or woman that should not be in a spiritual position and it has nothing to do with calling, grace, restoration, but much more about selfishness.
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