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Old 03-17-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
He could not heal many because of their unbelief.
That's nice. Blame the people who come into our services with hope for a healing and a miracle if we can't produce. I have seen literally hundreds of people run out of Pentecostal churches because they "lacked faith" to get a miracle done in their lives.

The Pentecostal/Apostolic movement chews up and spits outs thousands of people every year rather than admit that most times no miracle will be forthcoming no matter what. Instead of admitting that there's something wrong with our doctrine, we tell other people that there's something wrong with them. And then we shun them and exile them rather than come to terms with our own inability to live up to the fantasy world that we have created.

Why don't we find a single Stephen alive today? Acts 6:8.

And... if you want to bring some one forth as "proof" - I will want some proof as well.
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