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Old 03-11-2010, 03:54 AM
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Re: church in houston is charasmatic

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
For some reason, the highlighted statement really jumped out at me. My immediate reaction was, "How can that be?" How can standards differ from church to church? If they are "standards" then they don't seem to be negotiable. "Standards" are clear lines. But if the lines aren't clear, then there are no clear lines. If they are not clear lines, then they are meaningless, aren't they? And if they aren't clear and they differ from church to church, it would seem that inconsistencies develop.

And really, that's exactly what "standards" are....Inconsistent. TV is bad, internet is ok. That's inconsistent. Wedding rings are ok, but jewelry isn't . That's inconsistent. But for many, even wedding rings are bad. Even more inconsistent. Makeup up is bad but lip gloss is ok. Inconsistent.

The entire ideal of "Holiness Standards" seems to be a cesspool of inconsistencies. It seems that if "Standards" had any biblical foundation, it would be very clear and every "standards" church would be pretty close, if not, identical.

I agree.

Personal convictions would be a better, Biblical description of what all Christian preachers should be trying to propogate-- but the details of such would naturally vary from person to person.
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