Thread: Is it Ethical?
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:45 PM
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Re: Is it Ethical?

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
No. In I Kings 18 Obadiah tells Elijah that he has hid hundreds of prophets in verse 13. Then in verse 22 he claims to be the only prophet left.
Okay. I only had the Horeb discussion in mind. Good find.

I still have some difficulty in saying "Elijah lied," however. The writer of this passage does not appear to link the two statements together for contrast, thus exposing Elijah's "lie."

But then again, perhaps Elijah's statement was intended to serve the same purpose as Obadiah's courageous action of "hiding" the prophets in a cave. If Elijah could get Ahab and Jezebel to focus all of their attention upon him, then perhaps more of the other prophets might escape the sword... so Elijah courageously proclaims, "Here I am - I'm all that's left to oppose you! Come and get me!"

However this scenario seems to fail to link up adequately with the Lord's gentle rebuke at Horeb. At Horeb Elijah appears to really think he's the only one left (Romans 11:1-4).
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