Originally Posted by Twisp
To use another Biblical example, Abram lied to Pharaoh about Sarai not being his wife. His reasoning was to save himself from being killed. God sent plagues to the house of Pharaoh until Abram admitted the lie and left. Abraham also told Abimelech that Sarah was his sister, and the Lord threatened to kill him for taking Sarah. While the reason for that lie was not given, one can safely assume that Abraham told it to spare his life.
In both cases, the liar had a very real reason to fear for his life. In both cases, the Lord made it very clear that the lie was wrong.
I agree that there isn't not always a black and white solution for us, though. It is something I am going through right now.
Lying to save ones self doesn't seem to have the same effect as lying to save others does it?
Abraham's lies caused, or almost caused, others to sin.