03-02-2010, 11:18 PM
Not riding the train
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 48,544
Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey
Originally Posted by nahkoe
Hey, PO. Did any of your twitter friends mention what night that was?
I'm sorry, I forgot your post. LOL! No, she didn't say what night. Here are some of the comments.
I watch it and yes UGH! I didn't think anything could top watching God fill peoples mouth with gold (minus a dentist) and the fame Toronto holy ghost laughter of some years ago. This **** is sad!!!!!
I am alarmed and disgusted!!!
Not everyone who says "Lord Lord" is a "fellow believer".
And the sooner we all accept that the sooner we can remove a huge tool from Satan's toolbox.
For too long we have willingly taken at face value anyone who says "hey I'm a Christian".... See More
The Bible clearly warns us of people making false professions and leaders that are wolves in sheep's clothing. For centuries the Deceiver has built up one potempkin village after another so that when a non Christian hears the word "Christian" they think of a myriad of false teachings.
We need to be able to clearly say "They may SAY they are a part of what we stand for but that does NOT make it so." And be able to show how what they are doing is in direct conflict with what Scripture teaches.
Pray for them, minister to them, but don't ever mistake what their leader are peddling as true Christianity.
Sigh. This has to be at IHOP. Makes me embarrassed to say I'm from Kansas City.
Wow. Makes me think of other "artifacts of apostasy" (strong words, I know) on display at the Museum of Idolatry (http://www.alittleleaven.com/).
I just saw a news video about a nudist church. Most of the naked "worshipers" were obese. Perhaps I'll request government money to do a study to determine why that's the case.
If anybody can get in touch with the pastor you can invite him to my new deliverance service. Promises to deliver you from the gate of hell. Here's how it works, you get a good collar grip of the one needing deliverance and with your free hand you SLAP THE *** OUT THEM! Some may need more than one application. Sorry....lol
For a long time, I heard that the "Hokey Pokey"was a protestant song making fun of the bodily devotions of the Catholic (kneeling, sign of the cross, standing, etc.) but then I saw that that was just an urban myth. Maybe this is that "church"s way to counter some of the hokey pokey stereotype? I don't know, but that kind of junk is why I'm very against charismatic-type worship. It can quickly devolve into goofiness.