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Old 03-02-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Well, I don't know, TM. You are right. I just know AM and I understand the atmosphere at his church. What he preached in the video is faith to him. The people there don't take that as manipulation. I absolutely do know that.

I also know they won't be doing the Hokey Pokey. LOL!

I understand. I just know that if I were to walk into a church building and the preacher started yelling at me to do that stuff, I would fight the urge to make a terrible gesture. For me, it's just incredibly disrespectful. And for what it's worth, I've known him a little. We've never been best buds, but I've known him. The sermon, "My Responsibility To This Generation" was a large starting point for me to be in the ministry.

But something has changed. He now routinely says, "Let's make the devil mad" and foolishness like that to get the crowd worked up...even said it on a choir recording. I never heard it years ago. Seems like a switch has flipped...and I think it's sad. If the Day of Pentecost is the example for what pentecostals do, it's a far cry from what happened that day.
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