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Old 03-02-2010, 10:08 PM
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Re: Holy Ghost Hokey Pokey

Originally Posted by TroubleMaker View Post
He inherited a large and successful church. Not dumping on that, but it should be clear. And of course he "felt led". I'm sure the Hokey guy felt led, too. I'm sure the Pope feels led to do stuff. That's no excuse. And the church is known for prayer? Muslims are known for prayer.

I DO consider what Anthony did to be weird. VERY weird. And I 100% guarantee you that if one single person in our church were to see that, they would totally FREAK!! Weird is in the eye of the beholder and in that charismatic setting, it doesn't look like anyone thought it was weird.

But speaking of making demands and not doing it, did you hear Anthony speak in tongues? I didn't. Did he dance? Nope. His heels might have cleared air, but that's it.

So I see no difference between what the two are doing. For me, they're both despicable. If there IS a difference, it would be this: The Hokey guy was much less demanding and didn't seem angry like Anthony did. And in general, they looked like they were having fun.
I'm tired of talking about this. LOL!
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