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Old 03-02-2010, 09:13 AM
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TroubleMaker TroubleMaker is offline

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Re: 4 Receive HG in Bible Study!

And may I just add, on another subject but since you brought it up, I believe that "Pastor John's Undeniable Rule of Life #2" is very deniable.

"We will never outperform our own self-image. We WILL live what we believe we are."

I could waste time with examples, but I have achieved a number of things in my life that were well above my self-image and expectations, some serious and some not so serious. For example, I'm a decent golfer, but I don't practice, don't really care, and certainly see myself as unable to achieve anything. But I recently broke par for 18 holes for the 6th time in my life. I can guarantee you that I was shocked all 6 times and didn't, at all, expect it. And if I ever start to expect it, it seems I inevitably shoot 85.

That's just golf, but I can apply that to life in many instances. And the opposite is true. There are other areas where I have failed and performed well below my self-image and ended up not being nearly what I thought I was. Maybe you could put these "laws" in a thread and facilitate discussion of them.
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