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Old 03-01-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: 4 Receive HG in Bible Study!

Originally Posted by TroubleMaker View Post
Wait, wait, wait, you're using third-person references and quoting yourself and you're saying that I have a problem with making it all about me???

But no smilie faces this time, eh John? (The following is a quote is of Doc Holliday from the movie "Tombstone") "Does this mean you're not my friend? Why Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend, I don't think I could bear it."

But you're still stuck on drawing a conclusion of me based on my screen name. Oh well. Book covers are enough for some folks, I suppose.

Anyway, here again, you are making personal remarks but I will continue to stay above the mud-slinging. Continue on if you like. However, I would wonder if your inability to discuss the issue would be because you think I'm a "Troublemaker" or that you're unable to exegetically substantiate your position. I suspect I know, but, oh well.

Like I said, You take things way too personal no matter how it is stated. It wouldn't matter how many smiley faces I'd still think I was slinging mud.

K, it's just not worth it to me. I have nothing to defend. This thread was started because something good happened and I was sharing it. It still continues to happen and I will continue to share it when it does. You are not required to share in my joy or even agree with its nuances.

I don't even know what position you're expecting me to "exegetically" substantiate. We both agree that the heart is the most important thing.

Few people preach justification by faith as emphatically as I do. I will repeat that what you and I are saying are probably closer together than realized.

Please tell me how many smiley faces I need to use and just exactly what words would be acceptable to you for me to use as well. If you saw the expression on my face, you'd know that most of this was TIC anyway. At this point, I'm not even sure what smiley face to use so that you won't think I was being smart or something.
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