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Old 01-25-2010, 08:55 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
LET me ask you this when does a home bible study cease to be a home bible study when according to you she can teach a home bible study...

All I said was that your great example of Priscilla & Aquila w/ Apollos was nothing more than a HUSBAND & WIFE together [not her alone w/ another man??] giving a home Bible study. I Tim. 2 is dealing w/ a public assembly of saints, not soul winning.....for probably the 10th time now [at least].
Many places inour world do not have buildings churches are their homes. I have given home bible studies and watched home bible studies grow into big numbers.
Remember church buildings were only built some 200 years after Acts...everyone met in homes, on river banks or where ever...

And?????? What's your point? I know this.

Dear Brother I ask you if women never worked and by workedI mean helping spread the gospl why oh why were they (church fathers) Not my church fathers but you know what I concerned with removing women from ministry...they had to be doing it to be removed from it.

2nd century appeals outside of the text do not explain I Tim. 2:11-15, I Cor. 14:34.

You do not seem to like (?) history however if you would take the time to read you will find history is full of writings about women who carried the gospel...such as Holy Prisca who preached....

Wrong. I enjoy history, but I do not put it on the same authoritative level as God-breathed Scripture. "Let God be true......"

I AM IN NO WAY talking about women trying to remove men and horrible things we may see I am talking about holy women of God such as mother Holmes that has been a solid rock in the gospel for as long as I can remember.

I certainly respect her consecrated lifestyle [as well as yours], but she is in violation of I Tim. 2:11-15 & I Cor. 14:34 if she gets up to "teach/preach" to the church. "God respecteth no man's person."

I grew up around her and never on time did I ever see her disrespect Elder AO Holmes or any man...she knew her place and worked faithfully all these years.

I understand when men speak of women that do not know their place however women that are holy know how to behave.

I have spoke in conferences and even preached in confernces here in America I really don't like to but if a pastor asks me to do it and Bro, Alvear feels ok about it I never refuse for I lift up the cause of missions and the needs of the world. I think a woman can express herself and her burden in the presence of men. That does not mean she is trying to hit them over the head with the Bible...I know a few women in the past that were quite outspoke and out of their place but that can be a man too...I have seen a lot of men that were out of their place.

I remember being in a certain place when dear Sister Rita Dawson got up to speak and some of the men went outside to play husband thought it rude and disrespectful. My husband looked at me and said, she knows more about the Bible than all those men combined...

Scripture reference please:_______? I would've been right there w/ them, since she was in flagrant violation of biblical commands. Strange how she can outright violate the clear language of the Bible, & yet when others resist this disobedience....they suddenly don't "know their Bible"???? Sorry, I see it just the opposite, she would be the one who apparently doesn't "know her Bible."

I think the first church all listened to each other...some had a song, some a gift to use...however all were subject to God, the pastor and one another...
While you're quoting from I Cor., why not quote Chp. 14:34....then actually obey it!
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