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Old 01-22-2010, 09:11 AM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Honestly, I cannot for the life of me understand how in the world someone can make a statement like "I definitely believe that a woman can preach." And then look at God-breathed passages like "I do not allow a woman to teach, or to excercise authority over a man. She is to remain quiet."

Seriously Jeffrey, how in the world can you not uderstand "I do not allow....."?
The terms "teach" & "preach" are used synonymously in the Bible, just get your concordance & see how they're used. You know, maybe I should send you a copy of my book on this matter. I was very meticulous in the book. Just a thought.

Not to even mention I Cor 14:34................
Prax's input on the word "permit" in the Text here sums up why it's not so blatant to me. Paul offers guidance to the churches many times in his Epistles that are addressing unique situations. Permitting, allowing do not have the universal impact as a commandment of the LORD would, which is other language he's used before.

Add in the history of women preaching, and their work at spreading Pentecostalism in the world today. Add in the many other women leaders in the Bible (OT and New) that have to be minimized and explained away.

While "preaching and teaching" may be used together, they are also still very distinct in nature.

Then there's the whole "straining the gnat" idea that maybe we get so caught up on the particulars, that we lose focus of the whole thing. God wants us to reach the world. Can it be done with women teaching under the authority of their husbands? I've seen great examples of this in places where it is done with decency, respect to custom and order.

These are just some of the reasons why I'm still very undecided.
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