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Old 01-14-2010, 08:41 AM
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Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

History Note: In 313 A.D., by the Edict of Milan, the Roman Emperor Constantine legalized Christanity).

In the years that followed, large churches were built in the major cities of the Empire and many men found a vocation in this new religion desirable.

The smaller house churches, as the founders died, were replaced by the larger churches subsidized by the state.

And as time went by, women were not allowed to have any official positions in any church. One way this was accomplished was by Church Council Ordinances:

Council of Orange(A.D.441)-Canon 26

“Let no one proceed to the ordination of Deaconesses anymore."

Council of Epaon(A.D.517)-Canon 21

“We abrogate completely in the entire Kingdom the consecration of widows who are named Deaconesses.”

Council of Orleans(A.D.533)

“No longer shall the blessing of women deaconesses be given, because of the weakness of their sex.” (The above information on Church Councils is from the book, Fore-Mothers:Women of the Bible by Janice Nunnally-Cox)
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