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Old 01-12-2010, 07:09 AM
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Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

I translated this from a booket wrote many years ago in Portuguese..I still feel the same...

I am sincere in expressing what I have written and quoted here. I know that there are many diverse opinions about the woman’s place in the kingdom of God. Do not feel if you differ with me that I count you an enemy for all our human opinions no matter how much we think the Bible backs them we could be wrong. We are all fallable. Just as strong as I feel the things I have expressed on these few sheets of paper I am sure there are those that feel opposite opinions with equal fervor. We are often reminded that we see through a glass darkly and only as light shines upon our path can we see the more perfect day.
I am a background person. I neither desire or like the floodlights. It has been my joy to bring to birth many works in Brazil and slip into the pews among the people. I do not like platforms or pulpits.
Many years ago I heard a message entitled, “The bride in combat boots”. I have never forgot that we are in a constant battle for souls. We have one common enemy:the devil. From his dark kingdom come millions of spirits that we fight against.
It is important that every godly woman understand that we are not trying to outdo men in their persuit of the kingdom, neither are we trying to take their place (at least this author is not) for as the church goes on to perfection I personally believe that God will raise up many godly men that will be real leaders for us sisters to follow. I sure don’t mind someone going ahead helping make my way easier. But at the same time I believe a God fearing man would take note of a sister that would feel a message, a job, or a calling from the Lord.

But the fruit of the Spirit that which the Holy Spirit produces it is not without design so please do not think that I am promoting contents without form, design without a blueprint. As we study the lives of both Old and New Testament characters we will get a glimpse into the hearts of those whose call within them burned as a flame and their imprints on life forever changed the course of history.

Pride is a terrible sin. It is self-exaltation; it’s presumption; it’s an uplifting of self; it’s a pompous, arrogant swelling of self-worth and that is what usually hinders all of us in seeing the gifts God has bestowed on others. Instead of realizing we need one another the devil would like to have us pulling against one another and thus the coming kingdom is delayed.

May God melt our hearts together and the things we do not quite understand may we treat them as something that God has yet to reveal to all of us. May we tread softly on ground that angels reverence and may the indwelt presence of the Lord guide us on until we reach perfection.

May His will be done upon the earth; that His laws might become our laws, His ways our ways, His love our love, and His peace our peace.

I hope something that I can say will bring healing to wounded sisters and understanding to brothers to see most of us handmaidens as yes, a weaker vessel, that are only trying to help lift a very heavy load.
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