Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
believing that a woman can preach does not mean that she is not under the man...I spoke at church tonight and I obey my husband and try to be an example to thousands of our ladies.
With all due respect for Sister Alvear and others, I mean nothing harmful, insulting or hurting. If a woman is preaching or teaching over men, she has assumed a position of authority over "the man" any man is "the man". No man has the authority to give to the woman the position over the man, any man. It is good to obey one's husband, but the order of the church is clearly laid out in the Bible. Everyone has their equally, but different roles as ordainded by God and also compliments the order He created in the different roles of "the man" and "the woman".
Nothing personal towards any woman, but it is apparently Gods plan as per the Epistles.