Yes, I remember life before computers.

All the time now on the net was then spent in school or playing or reading or biking, because I was a kid.

Internet by far is the greater thief, because I don't own a TV.
My memories include typing and retyping school papers on typewriters because they needed to be "perfect". When mom finally got a typewriter with correction ribbon-oh, glorious day!!
The teacher of our first computer classes knew nothing about computers herself. Our first day, she advised us that we could blow up the computers with static electricity. She then told us that on our way through the door, to touch the doorknob, then the door jam, them the leg of the chair before we sat down or touched any computer, to discharge the static! We practiced this ritual faithfully. Too bad there wasn't youtube back then! LOL
When my office finally got the internet, my boss didn't know how to use it. He had me go online and "experiment" with the internet to learn how to use it for him. Loved it-I was paid to surf the net!!