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Old 01-07-2010, 06:43 PM
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Loren Adkins

Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kennewick Wa
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

[QUOTE=Sandy;860955]Which verse 35 states clearly that be true what your saying here.

Sandy I agree with what you are saying here I posted something to that affect awhile back on another thread. The husband is the head of the wife so as long as she is in subjection to him she can minister. further I feel we have it wrong about the authority of the ministry any way. The ministry are given to the church as helps not heads or rulers. Jesus is the head and under him the husband then the wife. But then that throws every ones RC dictatorship out the window and too many can't fathom that. But some will continue to see things the way they have seen them and what has been passed down from generation to generation and not step back and take another look. As long as one argues what they believe they can never see what is right before their eyes. I know I was that way for 40+ years.
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