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Old 01-06-2010, 09:14 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Since I know both men I find it strange you would mention names... this bothers me...davids own son works out of a church that believes in women preachers...davidīs son has preached for us and I showed my slides at his church...

I have known David for over 35 years I have no knowledge that he is a greek professor...I have read some of his writings. i GREW UP in the same church MARY did. Our pastorīs wife
sister HOLMES preached to us in many church services.
and he is a smart person in books and I deeply love him and Mary however
DR SCHEELS is an oxford doctor...I have said many times I am ony a missionary and I think of souls in that matter.

I am afraid you crossed the line using names...

YOU are the one who initially brought up Dr. Scheel's book, not me. And David Adams told me I could refer to him [I've already told you this], as he is strong against women preachers in the church. Yes, he taught Greek at a Bible college in Parkersburg for several semesters.

And how many times do I have to say that I greatly respect Bro. Scheel??? Yet you just plod along as if I never said a thing???

you may have supported us and I deeply appreciate it however I know up close the cost of living on the mission field over 41 years...doing without, hunger, thrist, sleeping in the far backlands among pagan people in hammocks, I know the terror of vampire bats flying around me while trying to sleep, watching snakes in the rafters ...being bit by spiders larger than my hand on more than one occasion...I know the feeling of eating fook covered by roaches, and no where to take bathes for days...I know about riding hot stinking bues, sleeping in bus statioons, climbing mountains to reach souls...
I know about taking baths in streams full os alligators and ancondas...

And to be totally honest w/ you, I feel ashamed as I read this that a woman has done more than I have. But, if I felt that God called me to this field of labor, I would certainly be willing to go. I've Pastored 2 churches & have been evangelizing for a few years, though things are slow right now.

In sum, you have my utmost respect for the sacrifices you've made.

On and on I could is not a contest to see who is right or wrong...It is a story about the call of God on my life...and even now it has been over a year since we have had a car...I do know some about the cost of the call...
I'm only affirming what the Scriptures clearly teach. Do you cut your hair? I doubt it. Well, I'm just quoting from the same Book!
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