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Old 12-30-2009, 04:54 PM
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Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

II John 1-3

I take this letter just as it is written to the elect lady and her sister. Probably her name was withheld because of the danger of times in which she lived. Paul uses "elect" in the same way as when he speaks of Rufus "chosen in the Lord (Romans 16:13, 1 Peter 1:1-2).
She was "elect" in the fact she was chosen of God according to His eternal purpose. It was John that wrote to the elect lady. She was a church overseer. I know of no other reason that he would be writing a woman a letter that would be included with the other letters he wrote to churches, overseers and gospel workers.
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