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Old 12-25-2009, 02:30 PM
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Re: China's first mega church gets shut down

Originally Posted by stasis View Post
Good. I hope the mega churches in America get shut down. Why? Because they LIE about what Jesus said and twist his words in order to draw big crowds (tickle people's ears with false doctrine) required to become 'mega'.

By the way, the reason why it seems there "isnt' persecution" in America, is because no one in America (or very few) are preaching any truth at all. America is today's Babylon, and our false churches run around the planet spreading their false doctrine, bearing false witness of Christ. ANYWHERE you preach truth there will be persecution. Absence of persecution indicates absence of truth, while presence of persecution is not necessarily indicative of truth.

"Woe unto you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets."

I if we DID have persecution in America it would be because there is truth...however persecution is not indicative of having the about confusion and contradiction
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