Originally Posted by MikeinAR
I guess that would all depend on what your definition of "works" is. Less regulation and "freedom in the market" always ushers in profitablility and economic success, until it runs haywire and causes the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Insurance companies doing as they please on the free market without gov't regulation has caused the mess that our healthcare system is today. You free market at all costs folks need to look out from under the rock everyonce in a while. 
You need to dig a little deeper. The government regulations is what has caused a lot of the problems we have now.
If the healthcare was allowed to be more competitive across the states like auto insurance and Life, we would not be facing some of these problems.
I agree our healthcare needs to be revised but not the direction it is going. As to the insurance companies making a profit, I failed to see why you have a problem with that. An unreasonable profit I can agree with, but they are a business and if they don't make a profit they could not stay in business.
Look at the energy companies profit margin, now that is real concern but seems to escape notice.