Originally Posted by MikeinAR
So just to be clear and to refocus on the specifics of the topic at hand, what are you suggesting for the gentleman with diabetes who no insurance company will insure due to his pre-existing conditions and the fact that he's too expensive to keep alive?
Your stating that private insurance companies can be trusted to provide adequate healthcare coverage and there's no need for any gov't regulation of the industry, so what happens when they don't? What's your suggestions Deacon?
Have you not heard the new plan will penalize those that "cause" their bad health from being overweight, etc?
Have you not heard the new plan should be called "Rationed Care"? You will hear more of this not less.
The seniors are told to get ready to hear the word "NO" a lot. No you can't have that surgery, no you can't have that medicine, no you can't go to the doctor.
You have your head stuck in the sand if you truly believe the government healthcare plan is a better plan.
It will cost you double or more than what you are paying now. And I understand this plan is uncontitutional. Who ever heard of a government demanding people to buy a product?
If you don't have money how do you propose the people pay a stiffer fine?