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Old 12-19-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: We changed the meaning of Mal 4:2

Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Nice work there, Mike!
Thanks, brother. I really enjoyed that study.

The issue in Matt 17 which corresponds to Malachi 4, also relates to the latter part of Matt 7. Once again, we have people who know Jesus' identity. They cry Lord, Lord. No one calls Jesus Lord but by the Spirit of God. So they got the initial revelation from the Father. But Jesus proceeded to tell them it was not enough. They have to also HEAR HIS WORDS and do them, and thereby be a wise man who BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK. Jesus said those who get the I SAY ALSO UNTO THEE revelation, in Mat 16, are the church whom He builds on the rock.

Just as a house is only as strong as the foundation upon which it is built, a house on the rock takes on the nature of Christ. No wonder Jesus said He builds the church on the Rock, Himself, and the gates of hell (the grave and death) cannot prevail against it. Peter should not have worried about the cross, for Jesus said death and the grave cannot prevail against Him and the church built on top of Him. Peter as a member of the church would share Christ's power over the grave.

This is how the Sun of righteousness arises with healing in his wings, for His light shines on us and the truth of the cross showing union to Him causes us to share His nature. Be changed into his image.

As Peter said, the houses on the rock are our calling sand election. We make them SURE or stable, by building on the rock, and being a partaker of his divine nature.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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