Thread: Gabby's
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Old 04-23-2007, 11:30 AM
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Falla39 Falla39 is offline
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!

Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
You're welcome Tamor! Renda is going to post a picture of my granddaughter Sammie when she gets off work tonight. She is standing with the groom...she calls him "Uncle Chaddywacker"! She is Nana's angel...her sister Tabbie is Nana's star. When Tabbie was first born, Sammie said they could both be Nana's Angels...but she changed her mind really quick.LOL.

When Tabbie was about 6 months old, sitting on Nana's lap, Sammie climbed up too and Tabbie pushed her away! Sammie started crying as if her heart were broke...she looked at Tabbie and said, "She was my Nana first!" Did I tell you that I love my granddaughters?

Blessings, Rhoni
PRECIOUS!!! THat is precious! The stuff grandmothers love. As a

grandmother 19 times (14 guys, and 5 gals), I make it a habit, never

to be partial and to make sure they all know I love them dearly!! Each

one special in their place.

I remember when my three sons in love would each try to be the

favorite. I never would say they were my favorite, but ONE of my

very favorite son in love! The same with our children. In the past I

have seen examples of partiality and the problems it causes so I ask

God to help me never to be partial. I try to be sensitive to each of

their families and when one is going through a hard time with illness

or financial or other, I focus in prayer on that situation. Each has had

their time of trouble. Haven't we all. Jesus said that in this life we would

have tribulation, but to be of good cheer, HE HAD overcome the world.

By His Mercy and Grace, we can too!!!


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