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Old 11-20-2009, 10:08 AM
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Ev. Duane Williams Ev. Duane Williams is offline
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Posts: 386
Re: Pit Bull vs. Porcupine

Dr. Brady Barr measured the bite force of a pit, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler. The pit bull came in LAST. The Rott had the strongest bite followed by the GSD. What makes Pit Bulls potentially dangerous is their fight drive, not their jaws. They were bred to fight other dogs to the death, and they are most dangerous to other dogs. A German Shepherd(I own one-my beloved "Cassius") can be trained to attack a human more readily than a pit, but they also respond better to the command to stop attacking. Once a pit gets started, they go into gladiator mode, and they're hard to stop(probably why this one took so many quills). Having said all that, has anyone ever seen "The Dog Whisperer" and the pit bulls he has that act like precious little lapdogs? Training by the right person trumps breed related agression, period.
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