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Old 11-19-2009, 05:31 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Church Choir (Volunteer versus Paid) Question

I know churches that will bring in a "Big name Evangelist" and pay the man's airfare, hotel and give him over $1000 for one Sunday.

Then those same churches turn around and bring in singers or choirs for special services or such and give them a heaping pile of jack squat for their travel, accomodation and ministry.

Why is one ox worthy of pay and not the other? If you ask a a choir to give up work, travel x number of miles and minister to your congregation...then you owe them no less than you would owe that evangelist you had to have. Otherwise you are saying their ministry is worthless. It has no value. Make sure you pay the preacher, but who cares about the choir members who had to give up work to be there right?
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