Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
I would think the other way around...but I AM NOT ONE TO ARGUE THE POINT....
I do not think you have written all I have said over the yers about women in ministry...and yes, maybe not on this thread but on hundreds of threads over the years I have answered...you may not have read it...
Anyway...rejoice...I just walked in the door and sat down here...tonight I was asked to teach a mormon family, a baptist family and a catholic family why we baptize in JESUS NAME... glad I accepted for they all asked to be baptized after class...I did not do the work...God did...so rejoice...for more names will be written in the book of heaven...
I simply allow the text to speak for itself, which is addressing Church order, just as it says. I have to have an honest heart w/ the Scriptures, for I must stand before God someday & HIS WORD will judge me according to Rev......not appeals that operate outside of & diametrically opposed to very plain Scripture.
Yes, I rejoice that false doctrinal systems are seeing the truth, & I wish there were more soul winners such as yourself.
I Tim. 2 &
I Cor. 14 are dealing w/ Church order, not witnessing.....so go get 'em!