Originally Posted by rdp
I see, allowing the literal text to speak for itself is now relegated to "flushing them down the toilet"????????? Still waiting on your Biblical example of a woman "preaching" from the Scriprures to men [as modern women "preachers" do]:________________? Those pesky blanks!
I agree, "Scripture does not contradict Scripture," thus, I Tim. 2, I Cor. 14 ,etc. stand alone! Wish I had the time to explain Biblical hermeneutics a bit, but do not.
I've repeatedly told you that Biblical prophecy is a spontaneous utterance of God [much like interpretation of tongues w/out the tongue]....not a "sermon from the Scriptures".
Sheesh, are slow of understanding?????????
Actually, the word "prophesy" in Paul's letters is "inspired utterances or speech," but could possibly mean preaching, since that's an inspired proclamation. There are many who believed "I desire that all prophesy" is not Paul's admonishment that everyone should have the gift to prophesy, but that all should proclaim/preach/tell.
Paul doesn't say a "sermon from the Scriptures," so our discussion should center around what he actually said. "Teach," "speaking," (we must know what that means, because obviously women can speak at church), usurp authority, etc...