Pardon me for re-living this thread. I am a product of a woman's ministry, and a supporter of women participating in worship and the ministry of the church. What I am not positive concerning, is how we reconcile some of Paul's very explicit concerns with our reality today. Are we consistent with the Text? What specifically does it mean?
1 Cor 14:34-35 (Paul emphasizes the Law in v34)
1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Paul appeals to creation here, another reference to the Old Testament, applying it to under the New Covenant)
Titus 2:1-5 gives an example of what women SHOULD do, instead of NOT this time around.
This subject comes up many times with emotional and anecdotal arguments. I'm curious with how we get around this issue today in the church.
That women participate in the community is understood (
Romans 13 for example, Priscilla in Acts -- though that's sometimes explained that she was with her husband), but what is the proper role? Should she teach men? Should she assume senior leadership over a congregation? As a pastor? Should she speak prophecy to other men?
How do we reason this with scripture. I understand the context of Paul's remarks were extreme disorder (in the case of Corinth) and his other remarks in Titus and Timothy were in other contexts. Yet, we have consistent remarks on his part in these three instances, as well as references pointing back to the Old Testament (and we could include the first part of
1 Cor 11 for more of his "pointing back" with regard to the social order set-up by God).
Curious as to opinion. Instead of a new thread, figured we just use this one.