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Old 11-04-2009, 04:59 PM
warrior warrior is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 441
Re: Bishop SC Johnson

Beautifully said, Barb. I also think that some apostolics are indoctrinated that their particular congregation is the only one with the whole truth. If you are not with them or have THEIR particular revelation then you are hell bound. Sometimes the spirit of the pharisees take over us without even taking note of it. This foolishness is spewed from the pulpit time and time again. Folks can't help but adopt it as their personal philosophy because that is all they hear. I'm right and you are wrong. They are a the "FALSE CHURCH". They are not saved. We have the highest thing in the land. They need to come to us. We won't be going to them. The list just goes on.

Meanwhile the people are being puffed up with false pride. They can't communicate with others who are serving God cause they want to put them in hell first.

The apostolic church is an interesting place to be.
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