Originally Posted by rrford
Now it is about my attitude? Sorry, I was referring to your beliefs not your attitude. It seems you are bent on making this argumentative.
Is it so hard to believe that Lot was at one point righteous and then fell from righteousness? If you can't see that then your view is Calvinistic. Has nothing to do with attitude.
Like I said, I have never had a thread more misinterpreted. Andyes, Lot received mercy and called it grace. Of course, for the sake of your argument I don't expect you to read the passsage that way.
Yes it is hard to believe your position. We don't speak of Someone being righteous after their life was complete if in fact they were not.
That seems to be a completely ludicrous position to me, beyond the realm of common sense.
So the hero's of faith they were probably all lost too since they sinned, but it was a good example while they were doing it all right.