I was enjoying your story and then, wow it took a bit of a turn and became well frankly unbiblical and illogical.
What does the teaching of a man, call him pastor if you like, have anything to do with, living an ungodly lifestyle? There is no foundation whatsoever for this jump in logic.
Then the story of Lot gets completely twisted to try and support your assertions.
for instance you say:
And yet Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes:
II Peter 2:7-8
But God also rescued Lot out of Sodom because he was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful immorality of the wicked people around him. 8 Yes, Lot was a righteous man who was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he saw and heard day after day.
Is it not entirely possible that Lot's lingering was to try and urge his family to come with him? That at least is plausible, your story contradicts the Scripture itself.
So it seems to me you have read a lot more into Lot's life than Peter did. Those of us who embrace grace see this from you folks who want to beat people over the head all the time. The interesting thing here is that you criticize and critique a man that God calls righteous.
Then you just keep going down the road of how horrible Lot is, reading into Scripture what it doesn't say and ignoring what it does say. The angel of the Lord tells him it was fine to stay on the plains, but that didn't fit into your sermon, so we will omit that fact.
Then you make this huge leap in logic that "grace" somehow causes Lot all these problems and insinuating that those that don't "listen to the pastor" will end up like Lot.
Frankly I would rather be like Lot, at least I know that God declared Lot righteous.
To his own master he stands or falls. You cut the legs out from under a man that God called righteous. Talk about a disgrace.