10-23-2009, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: The UPCI Needs a Healer
You were given a healer. A messenger, sent by God who taught you what to do and how to live. Your back has turned on him and his message to you while you have pursued haircuts and hemlines and hoarded the blessings given to you to be used to no purpose but to pass your teachings to others.
Your words:
"General Superintendent Haney….Lead the way to healing…."
Did Jesus teach you to pray such foolish things? No he did not.
No wonder your ranks are fading. You might as well be driving the nails yourself into your saviour and messenger while you pray to "General Superintendent Haney" for healing. Do you even HAVE a god to pray to and that you have faith in anymore? <shakes head at your foolish and shallow church> There is no value, no good, no change in lives from those who pray salvation for their organizations from haneys and mangums and others who have only enriched themselves on the message that was given to them at no cost.
You retreat and retreat and retreat to locate yourselves as far from "sinners" as possible then wonder why no sinners ever find you? Like the hidden lamps in the parable of Jesus you wall yourselves off? Now you pray to one another for healing? Healing is not what is taught for a lukewarm church. Judgement is. Whatever happens to your "organization" I am quite sure that it will be well-earned and well-deserved.
Is there a man …..
Who can stand and serve as healer….
Silly rabbit. It is predicted that there will be such a man. I am quite sure the lot of you will fall for him hook, line, and sinker when he appears. While praying for him to appear you are forgetting that there can be no such man and that turning to a man to heal your organization, your community, or your country is forbidden in your own teachings. Praying to a man for healing is the worst form of blasphemy that there is. <shakes head in contempt>
Originally Posted by rkentsmith
The United Pentecostal Church Needs a Healer
Shocked silence filled the conference when the announcement was made….
The resolution passed….
Those there, will never forget the sudden vacuum….
Time only will tell what really happened in that moment….
Some declare Ichabod…..
Others Revival….
I personally feel our movement was swept with a spirit of confusion….
We all have been confused since the vote….
We have all grieved….
Such a decision will not be without consequence….
The consequence may well be more painful than any really understood….
Unity has been called for….
Global Impact desired….
But now division is greater than ever….
Now we hear of a great convocation in Tulsa…..
Great men from the east coast are leaving….
Great men from the west are leaving….
Great men from the south as well….
Great men from all over…..
Will the UPCI loose 100 ….500….1000….
Or more….
Now, many men who favored the resolution realize that those leaving had promised to do so before the vote….
The leavers are only keeping promises….
I have not heard from any who regret voting No…
I have heard from many who regret voting Yes…
“If we had only known”, one said an hour ago….
Brethren it appears there will be a major exodus…..
Sadly all will suffer…
I have come to a new conclusion today…
We need a healer…
Blessed are the peacemakers….
The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….
Some are saying the 2000 seat convention center in Tulsa will not be large enough…
What if such predictions are true and we see over 1000 UPCI credentialed men make some sort of commitment to leave….
The UPCI will suffer greatly….
The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….
If indeed unity is a mandate….
Then should not unity come from World Evangelism Center….
Indeed the United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….
General Superintendent Haney….
Lead the way to healing….
Go to Tulsa and tell the brethren you will lead the charge in reversing Tulsa’s decision….
Pastor Mangun….
Use your platform this year at Because of the Times to help heal the UPCI….
Without a healer….
We are divided and weakened….
Two organizations will never be united….
Rather both….
The United Pentecostal Church Needs A Healer….
Is there a voice….
Is there a man …..
Who can stand and serve as healer….
Somewhere within the UPCI is a man with a voice who is able to help bring healing….
Will the leadership come from WEC….
The General Superintendent….
The General Secretary….
Home or Foreign Missions….
Indeed the UPCI must have a healer from within….
The healing will not come from those convening in Tulsa….
The course they choose was selected for them….
The United Pentecostal Church International Needs a Healer….