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Old 10-15-2009, 03:02 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Nice try................

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Paul also said that he'd rather that all men live as he did......single. Do you really think God has that same preference?

When was the last time you greeted one another with a holy kiss?

The same Holy Ghost inspired Paul to write that command too. Pucker up.
In I Cor. 7, Paul explicitly says that the single life is his own personal preference. Then, he also endorses the marriage life in the same chp., Eph. & elsewhere. But when it comes to the woman preacher issue [i.e., immediately after expounding the issue, (I Cor. 14:37)], he plainly says, "If any man think himself a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you ARE THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD." How in the world you do not fear to disobey an explicit "commandment of the Lord" is beyond me.

I actually agree w/ you regarding the "holy kiss," & wish that it would be implemented in our western world. The reason it's not is because of our perverted culture [which is irrelevant]. But, I will say that the brotherly/sisterly hug & touching of the cheek [& even kiss in some cases] accurately applies the principle of what Paul/Peter were teaching thru this injunction.

Typical Heavenlyone "theology,": I cannot explain I Tim. 2, I Cor. 14, etc., so I'll try to point out inconsistencies in oreder to render these unexplainable passages ineffective! Sad, so sad..................

O', & by the way, It's not about me having some sort of "superior knowledge" as you scornfully implied above. It's about simply reading the Bible & believing what it says.
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