Originally Posted by rdp
You're showing your unwillingness to accept wrong by implying that only ornaments on the ankles are displeasing to God. Come, come now, I thought better of you than that.
Your 1st paragraph is simply mind boggling to me how in the world you cannot see this. Not to mention your eisegesis of Mt. 28:19. Gotta' go......
There are two points here.
1. Only the ornaments jingling on the ankles are between the "because" and "therefore". I think the issue we are having is one about how therefore can be used more than anything. Just to be sure about this... Hypothetically, if I was correct about "therefore" would you consider this passage to to be evidence of God's displeasure with rings?
2. If you would, please explain in depth how you read
Matthew 28:19, in terms of: What was the reason? What happened because of the reason? And anything else you feel is important to add. I will go ahead and give my explanation. 18) Christ had all power given to him. 19) For the reason that he had all power given to him, he told his disciples to teach all nations, baptizing them... That is how I read
Matthew 28:19. What is your reading of it?