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Old 10-04-2009, 08:35 AM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
I agree the word is to be obeyed. BUT, We have gotten so far from what the word is truely saying that when we say the word is to be obeyed man has put his own translations to the word and most of what man teaches to be commandments of God are just mans traditions and not doctrine. Even things that seem to be cut and dried like women not wearing pants is not a bible commandment but mans tradition. Based on mans iterpretation of Deut. 22:5. We are all to preach the Gospel, but what is the gospel? It is not holiness standards, the oneness of the Godhead, or any number of other religious doctrines that man teaches as commandments of God. The Gospel is very simply the good news that Jesus died for our sin that we can now have the comunion restored with our creater that was lost when Adam and Eve sinned. This preaching can be done by both man and women. As what we call the ministry, God did not intend for man to be set up over a church or group of people as we have in our churches today. This is trying to replace the preisthood of the OT and Jesus is our high preist we no longer need a preist or one that fills that office.

Take the Judges and Prophets of OT times even they did not control the people as many pastors do in churches today. We have set up pastors for much of the same reason Isreal wanted a king, and the people told Moses that they did not want to hear from God. As you remember the people told Moses they did not want to hear from God that he Moses could relay the word to them and they would obey. This is not the way God wants things to be he wants a personal relationship with his people. But we are too lazy we would rather have a pastor or preacher tell us what things we should do or should not do that way we don't have to commune with God ourselves. Or for that matter study the word. I have said this before but I will say it again, Ephesians 4 tells us God gave the church those that were called to minister for three reasons. One the perfecting of the saints. I checked the word perfecting out in a couple of sourses Vines, and Strongs and this word is taken in the wrong light. It more accuratly means to equip the saints. This brings things into a new light. Two for the work of the ministry, this word means to serve, or be in attendance, to aid. And Three for the edifing of the body of Christ. Or building of the body of Christ. Nowhere are they given authority as the ministry has taken in religious bodies today.
1Pe 5:1 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:
1Pe 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
1Pe 5:3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.
Verse 3 is quit clear we are not to be Lords, but examples to the flock. Peter I might add did not call himself a pastor or a apostle or any thing else like we do he simply called hiself and elder. One of many.

Just some thoughts
And those are excellent thoughts also. I agree that men have taken their own initiative to translate what they think scripture is saying and preach it as doctrine without scriptural verification, or even seeking God on the matter.

My boyfriend attends a Nazarene church. He doesn't understand why Apostolics have to have church for 2 hours, as his is about 45 minutes. He said they sing a couple songs and the preacher preaches a few minutes and they go home. So simple. LOL!

I've never been to his church, but might visit a time or two. I was raised Apostolic, so going to church for 2 hours isn't a big deal to me.

Thanks for your thoughts though. I agree with what you said.
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