Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I have no issue with a woman preaching. I know that may draw some ire. HOwever, I cannot accept scripturally the idea of a woman Pastoring or holding an office of power over men. Scripture stands against this idea.
I think the problem is simple. Some women have doen it in the past and weren't struck down, so people accept it as an acceptable practice.
They are missing the fact that sometimes God permits things he does not approve of. Read that beloved book some more. God permitted his people to do some horrible things (like adultery, polygamy) but His word never approves the practice. So I guess because God doesn't strike them all dead that means He approved of the practice right? NOT AT ALL.
Many women have taken churches and done great works. No doubt about it. God permitting them to do so because men wouldn't stand up and answer the call doe snot equal God's approval of their actions. His WORD must be the final authority. Not any signs, wonders or "results" you want to parade as proof of the approval of their ministry.