09-22-2009, 02:37 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,667
Not hardly.............
You're the one who needs to read Acts 8 again, CLOSELY. For it qualifies they that went out "preaching everywhere" as the same ones who "were scattered abroad" in vs. 1....not the ones who were "in prison". Plumb silly.
And I like the way you evaded my question, so let's try it again, & a straight answer would be nice. How could those women "went everywhere preaching" from a prison cell? And, still waiting on that verse where just one woman "preached" to a church congregation:______________?
God will judge Sis. Alvear on Judgement day, but what honestly concerns me is that we'll ALL be judged according to the Word, which could not be plainer about women preachers.
Now, I've [U]SPECULATED[U] that it's possible that God would send a woman where a man refused to go, but this is pure speculation....not Bible! As for me & my house, we'll stick to the Book...you can have all of these appeals outside of the Scriptural text, which really have nothing to do w/ what the Bible literally says.
Regarding Sunday school, this was not even a practice during the early church days, so the point starts outside of the textual record. Regardless, there's a difference in "children" & "Men" as Paul states. Moreover, prophecy is NOT a sermon from the Scriptures & I challenge anyone to show that it is FROM THE BIBLE. I can show otherwise.............