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Old 09-12-2009, 04:13 PM
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Esther Esther is offline

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Re: Bit off more than he could chew - unreal pic!

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
Just happened to see this guy trying to slither away from me toward Diane's flower garden and I couldn't believe my eyes when I actually figured out what it had in it's mouth. Apparently, an unsuspecting toad had been caught by this garter snake. The snake was about 2-3' long and I watched him for a while as he tried to finish the toad off, which I'm sure he did eventually. The toad was still alive...but obviously couldn't kick his way out because his back legs were swallowed!

Reminds me of some preachers who say things without thinking!

That doesn't resemble our garter snakes at all.
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