Originally Posted by Barb
What IS the issue?!
In 1991 when George Herbert Walker Bush spoke to the students, did anyone fuss and threaten to leave their children home from school?!
I don't see the problem with the President of the United States speaking to the school children.
Well, Barb, I've been joking about this (both online and in our house), and my mother asked the same question. I confess, I was stumped for a second.

I guess on the surface, there's nothing wrong with the President addressing children and encouraging them to apply themselves to their studies, etc.
It's just a matter of people not trusting Obama's motives, plain and simple. I understand that. And I'm glad our children are homeschooled so the choice is 100% mine, as to what they watch and hear. However, we MAY watch the speech at home if its broadcast publicly as well as in the classrooms, which I'm sure it will be.
All jesting aside, the right thing to do would be to listen respectfully and have prayer for the President. Not politically speaking, but from a Christian standpoint. If he makes political points that need to be addressed, I suppose it can be a launching pad for parent-child discussion.
I'll just say this--if people are going to send their kids to government schools, they shouldn't get their panties in a wad when the government plays a major role, to put it mildly. It's no surprise.

Do they really think the only time their children are in danger of being "indoctrinated" by the liberal left is when the President is speaking? I'd say that's probably the LEAST dangerous time, because he's in the public eye and has to keep his comments at least fairly left of center. No, I'd say they're more in danger of being indoctrinated on a
daily basis by teachers and friends who have liberal, unchristian values, who lack character and principle and often basic morals.
I suppose that's a soap box I'll step off for now.