Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
If a woman can't be a Bishop or Pastor can women preach at all ?
Not to believing men.
It seems Paul's view of women in
1 Timothy 2:13-14, is that they are
more prone to deception. It's true women are generally more led by emotion than men, due to their nature (perhaps as a mechanism of child-rearing). The serpent apparently knew this and took advantage of it. Adam wasn't deceived, but was seduced into following after Eve (he knew what he was doing was wrong, but did it anyway). Maybe this is somehow related to how men would respond to false doctrine being taught them by a woman. Perhaps if the precedent is set of a woman being above a man, and she begins teaching false doctrine, would the easily seduced man be more prone to tolerate her false doctrine and 'play along' than in the case of a male preacher?
Whereas if the woman is the taught, and the man is her teacher, she can receive correction from the man's (hopefully) more objective, less emotion-driven view concerning doctrine.
I'm aware there are lots of generalities here regarding the genders, but Paul must have said what he did for a good reason.